Wednesday, December 19, 2007

School is out for Baylor, and the students have all gone home for break. For a lack of things to do, I find myself meandering through the blog world. In fact, I rove so often and aimlessly that as one of my New Year’s resolutions I am limiting myself to viewing blogs from only my blog list. Until then, I stumbled across this questionnaire on Lauren B’s website (I’ll have to add you Lauren so I can keep up with your new baby and not break resolutions!)

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Gift bags, definitely! Not only are they way easier to give, if you receive one, you can always reuse it!

2. Real tree or Artificial?
Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. I have strong opinions on this one; can you tell?! Our first year of marriage, we bought a real one, and the dang thing shed everywhere!

3. When do you put up the tree?
ASAP! I’m not opposed to putting it up ON Thanksgiving!

4. When do you take the tree down?
I prolong this nuisance as long as modestly possible. (So, like, Valentine’s ish?!)

5. Do you like egg nog?
Nope, but my better half loves the stuff!

6. Favorite gift received as a child?
During my sixth Christmas, my parents bought us a puppy. We already had a dog, a collie named Ringo, who was part of our family long before I was, but he was certainly more my mother’s dog. He really didn’t like children. Therefore, my parents got my sister and me our “own” dog. I named him Buster, a name I recycled years later on another dog.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Actually, I just received one at a Christmas party gift swap this year, and I indubitably won the best gift there! All who attended, approximately 12 of us, were asked to bring a wrapped ornament to be swapped. The host wrapped a brand new Willow Tree nativity set: Mary, Joseph, Jesus, King, Shepherd boy, animals. Of course, rules being what they are, I stole it for the second time and secured my rights to it!

8. Hardest person to buy for?
Craig hands down! My “love language” is gifts. Year round, I like to get and give them. A great deal of thought goes into the gifts I give, and the more I love the person, the more thought given. For that reason, to some extent, my feelings are hurt if Craig is not in love with the gift I’ve purchased for him. (Sorry, can I just say that the question should read—The hardest person for whom to buy? sorry. and ditto to 9. This question was most likely not written by the person from whom I borrowed this survey.)

9. Easiest person to buy for?
Now I have to do some back peddling since I just stipulated that the more I love a person the harder it is to buy for them…
So, what I mean is, I know Craig extremely well, and I know his likes and dislikes more than I sometimes wish I do. I do not, however, know the ins and outs of say my brother in-law. So, I just buy him some decent DVD.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail. Geesh.

11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
One year Craig bought me this amazing Canon Rebel camera for Christmas. I’m sure it was a pricey purchase. The problem is, I do not enjoy taking pictures, but, and here’s the clincher—HE does! A few years later I gave that camera as a goodbye gift to a friend serving as a missionary in Berlin.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
Christmas Story. “In the heat of battle my father wove a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan.”

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Oh, surely.

14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Cookies, candy, candy canes, all of it.

15. Clear lights or colored on the tree?

16. Favorite Christmas song?
O Holy Night. I especially love Tracy Chapman’s version. (kinda random, I know.) Craig sings it pretty well too.

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Every other year we travel with my family. On the off year, we go to Craig’s parents. Never in our 5 Christmases have we been at our own house.

18. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Nope. Not gonna try!

19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
We weren’t much for tradition growing up, but I seem to recall a pattern of one present on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Morning.

20. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Annoying is a bit harsh; however, trying to make it to all of the Christmas parties and events can be daunting!

21. Favorite ornament theme or color?
I like simplicity. Clear lights. Greenery placed intermittently. Pops of red.

22. Favorite food for Christmas dinner?
See questions number 14.

23. What do you want for Christmas this year?
This is a tough one. Craig bought me a GPS Tracking System (for some reason he gave it to me 8 days ago), and I know better than to ask for anything else from him. When my mom asks, I usually request Starbucks gift cards. You would not believe how quickly I can spend whatever amount the card carries. It’s a little embarrassing!

24. If you could spend Christmas anywhere, where would you choose to spend the holiday?

Germany. My impressionable childhood years were spent living in Germany, and I remember taking great delight in their time-old traditions. The Germans have opulent Christmas trees and decorations, beautiful snow-covered landscapes, yummy, delicate treats, and Kris Kringle leaves candy (or switches if you’re bad) in your shoes!

25. With whom do you most enjoy spending Christmas?

Craig. He’s such a traditionalist, which is a stark contrast to my nontraditional fashion, and I love him for it. I am particularly fond of his sentimentality; it makes the holidays that much more romantic!

Out of pure curiosity, I tag Katy, Lauren S., Tracy, and Sarah!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Boston Revisited

Such a wonderful trip.

It's amazing how quickly the snow fell...

No more than one hour later...

My snow man! "Walking in a wintry wonderland."

Shopping in a blizzard! "I ain't saying she's a gold digger..."

Such a pretty sight. "Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow."

The Crenshaws and the Bianchis have matching pj's!
"Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me
for sure
that's what friends are for"

On their way to snowboard. "What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight"

Back to work; back to reality. No more Boston; no more sing-song moments in the snow. Guess it's about time to start packing for our Christmas trip to Cozumel! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Your Vote Counts!

Hello friends, family, and fellow bloggers! I am in a bit of a quandary, and I solicit your counsel. Craig and I share a difference in opinion regarding which picture should be used for this year’s Christmas card. To avert biased voting, I’ll refrain from disclosing our picture preferences; however, let it suffice to say, I did not mean to dye my hair such a gothic shade of dark brown! (See picture B.)

Ideally, we’d like to mail these out no later than Wednesday. Open voting begins now…

Thanks, friends!

Picture A

Picture B

Monday, December 3, 2007

The most wonderful time of the year!

I’m sure I’m not alone when I claim Christmas as my favorite holiday. There is something so magical about Christmas! Little white lights twinkle with the promise that every moment will be a fairy tale moment. Apple Cider and Pumpkin Spice aromas fragrance both the local coffee shop and your neighbor’s home. Suddenly, the busyness of life stands still and submits itself to the activities that the season necessitates. Oh, it is indeed the most wonderful time of the year!

Craig, my loving husband and Christmas hero, hung lights outside our home. Don't they look great?!

I decorated the door and the tree!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Who knew Fall Out Boy could make me cry?!

I don't really have time to blog these days; there is so much going on in this season of life: work, graduate school (round two), Craig's work, Craig's graduate school, and our church community (which is the necessary glue that holds it all together!). Strangely enough, I did set aside some time this morning to watch this Fall Out Boy video that was forwarded to me by one of my former high school students.

I'll be the first to admit, I am not a Fall Out Boy fan, and I am probably way too old to know what's going on in their little Fall out Boy world, but this video really, really touched me. While the rebel wars have subsided in Northern Uganda, the devastation in this war-torn land is still prevalent. The Acholi people, the tribe who occupies most of Northern Uganda, are a broken and hurting people, and they long for healing and restoration. Sometimes, when I think about the plight of the Acholi people, it is easy for me to forget that we too are a broken and hurting people, and we too are in need of healing and restoration. We all need Jesus.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Craig is in Savannah for a family wedding, and I am having a hard time falling asleep tonight. I'm not sure if it's his absence or the lack of time accountability; either way, I can't seem to nod off.

All day long I have had this beautiful, worshipful song stuck in my head. I do not know what the song is titled, and I have tried googleling it (however that noun/verb is spelt!) but to no avail. A sweet friend Brooke sang it at her sister Brynn's wedding a few weeks ago. Basically, the song has been playing over and over again in my head and heart since the wedding. A mutual friend of all of ours has it posted on her blog from the youtube posted by Brynn and Brooke's brother Brock-- did you follow all that?!

So, I thought I'd share this prewedding rehearsal since it has really ministered to me...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Remember the Alamo!

Craig and I had a lovely, romantic San Antonio get-away weekend a couple of weeks ago. We actually did not have time to pay homage to the Alamo, but like good Texans, we remember it in our hearts.

We stayed two nights at an amazing hotel on the Riverwalk called The Hotel Contessa. I highly recommend the place! Our sweet friends Doug and Katie drove up from Corpus to spend Saturday with us, and we all went to Sea World. I had not been to Sea World in almost 20 years, and I had not anticipated it to be any fun at this age, but it actually was! The rides are great, the food is not too bad, and Anheuser Busch has a free, that’s right free, Beer Garden for those of age. Though, I must admonish Sea World: You’ve got to revise your shows every 20 years or so! (I am pretty sure I watched the same Sea Lion Diner, Dolphin Underworld, and Shamu Stunt shows that I watched as a kid!) We enjoyed dinner on the Riverwalk both Friday and Saturday night. Here’s a few pictures…

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tagged by Adrianna...

The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their 8 things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight things about me...

1. I have to workout in the morning or it will not get done. (I’m borrowing this one from Adrianna!)

2. I love, love, love dogs! I hate, hate, hate cats.

4. I eat A LOT! I really think I probably eat more than most of my girlfriends, and sometimes I catch myself eating more than Craig! Thus, the reason for the morning workouts!

5. Although the Myers-Briggs keeps telling me I am an E (ESTJ), I really enjoy my alone time. I love to spend a few nights a week reading a book with a glass of wine or a movie and popcorn with Craig. I wish I had more of that in our busy lives.

6. This year is my fourth year of marriage. This is the first year I have wanted to expand our family of two.

7. Someday, I want to write a book. I always have these fantastic ideas, and then I never capitalize on it. No lie, I thought about Redeeming Love long before Francine Rivers. She just beat me to it! :)

8. Besides writing fictional short stories set in the South, if I could do/be anything it would be a Ballerina Princess. I’m not really sure what that is either. But, when I think about being one, it conjures up images of a sweet little girl in a tutu who is loved and doted upon. What girl doesn’t want to be that?!

Okay, I tag Tracy, Katy, Meredith, Jessica, Wendy, and Lauren (who just had a baby and probably no time for this!)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

And this one thing that I desire...

And so, it has begun—football season. It’s that special time of year when the weather cools, fleeces are donned, and tens of thousand Aggie fans pledge their allegiance to the 12th man god in the temple of Kyle Field. And they say A&M is a cult. The audacity!

Two week ago Craig and I spent the weekend in College Station and attended the Montana State game with some old college friends. (Shout out to A&M’s victory!) It’s always so refreshing for me to spend time in College Station; I have such fond memories of my college years there. Because Craig’s grandfather was a veterinarian and a professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine at A&M, Craig too has fond memories of College Station that date back to his early childhood. For Craig, many birthdays, holidays, and of course Aggie football games, involved trips to Papaw’s house. To reminisce about the days of lore brings such joy to Craig’s heart and therefore mine. I feel as if I am often living his memories vicariously.

Craig’s grandfather passed away in March of this year and is survived by his widow Gloria whom we affectionately call Gigi. Gigi is an amazing woman. She is in her early eighties and is more active than most in their sixties: she plays tennis three times a week, quilts daily, attends sporting events. She is arguably the most active, fun, and relatable 82 year old woman I have ever met. Throughout various parts of Texas, the South, and the Northwest, Gloria has children and grandchildren who love her, and she travels to see them regularly. Though health, family, and time appear to be on her side, there is still one thing that she desires. Gloria is lonely. She is without her lifelong companion. She desires to be known, really known by someone with whom she can experience the remainder of her life.

I can’t imagine; I don’t want to try. The thought of living a day without Craig pains my heart. Lord, thank you that you have created within us desires that are more profound, more life-giving than College Station memories. You have created us with the desire to walk in relationships, to live in community, to love and to be loved. Even more overwhelming is the desire you’ve placed within us to yearn for more of you, Jesus. Of all the ties that bind, nothing binds us closer to each other than our bond in you.

Gig ‘em and God Bless!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Uganda Thank You Letter

Below is my Uganda thank you letter that I am mailing out to my dear friends and family; I thought I'd share!

Hello friends and family!

I am back safe and sound, and I am excited to share with you about what God has done and is still doing!

It was presumptuous of me to assume that my trip to Africa would greater impact the people of Uganda than me. I had supposed that I had much to offer them, and they would have little to offer me. I was wrong! I am forever changed by the people of Uganda!

Joy seems to be one of Uganda’s greatest cultural values. Ugandans express evident and abundant joy in the simplicity of life and living in the here and now. Several times on my trip, I encountered men, women, children, and entire families who had so little. Many were clad in dirty clothes, most were not well fed, and few children had shoes. Yet the beauty of their situation is that their contentment is not base upon what they do or do not have. They know what it means to be dirty, and hungry, and barefoot, but they also know what it means to choose joy. Their happiness is not based on their circumstances because, after all, circumstances are only circumstantial, and they understand this.

Being amongst these people was, for me, a fresh reminder of from whom and from where I should derive my joy. In our American-Christian culture, we tend to find our joy in our “blessings.” It seems to me that we correlate material wealth, circumstantial happiness, and even sheer luck with divine favor. Thankfully, this is not from where the Lord intended us to find joy! “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy, and I will give thanks to him in song.” Psalm 28:7

A servant to Uganda and its people is absolutely the most prestigious position I have ever held. My team and I spent our mornings worshipping the Lord with the Ugandans employed by Restoration Gateway. In the afternoons, we toiled the land and molded bricks. In the evenings, we cooked meals along side two Ugandan men employed by the McCalls. One life-changing afternoon was spent with 125 parentless, orphan children. We taught these children songs, games, and Bible stories. We held them; we played with them; we fed them; we loved on them. We told them about Jesus. We saw Jesus through them!

After a trip such as this one, I can't help but consider my life in contrast to theirs. A Starbucks drink is nearly a week’s worth a food for a little Ugandan girl. An hour on the Internet could be used to make 8 or 9 more bricks needed to build Restoration Gateway. A half hour in traffic is half the amount of time it takes some Ugandans to walk to work. I realize, in comparison, that I have much monetarily, and I want to give back. I want to make attempts, as feeble as they may seem, to close this distribution gap between my world and theirs. Though monetary donations are needed and necessary, I am convinced that these people need something more sustaining than anything I can offer. They long for restoration, and only the Lord can provide that.

We all have a role that we are called to play in the kingdom. I love what the McCalls have written on their website in regards to this: “Some will give. Some will pray. Some will go. Regardless, God wants us in. All of us. Two coins or entire existence. Just Act.”

If you too would like to contribute, please find out how at the following web address.

To see pictures from my trip, please view them at this website.

Videos and even more pictures can be seen on a teammate’s website.

Thank you so much for your contribution to this trip! You have made an eternal investment!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

You Make Everything Glorious!

About 9 hours after I arrived home to Waco, TX from my trip to Uganda, Africa, reality of Uganda's depravity hit me. It came upon me rather suddenly. Jet-lagged, discombobulated, and in a stupor, I dragged myself through Target to pick up a few much needed toiletry items. (After all, I had not shaved in 10 days!)With every row I pushed my little cart down, I could feel my heart growing a little more resentful and indignant by my country's quenchless thirst for materialism. I'm just as much to blame for perpetuated consumerism as anyone else; I admit it. That Monday, however, I was broken by it. Call me a Socialist, but I just hate the world's financial distribution breakdown.

About the moment tears started to well up in my eyes, my Target cart turned the corner and ran right into David Crowder's. Every Wacoan has a David Crowder story, but that's really not the point of mine. By some twist of the Lord's funny humor, I ran into him and was reminded of his new song, "You Make Everything Glorious." That's when it occurred to me; it's not really about this stuff on the shelf or the world's distribution at all. This stuff, abundant amounts or meager portions, is not the basis of a person or a country's worth. It certainly isn't what the Lord uses to define "blessings." To God, everything He makes is GLORIOUS! Who am I to detract from God's glory with my finite ideas of what equality means?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Uganda Bound!

Hello family and friends! I hope you are all doing well and are enjoying your summer. Since our last update in our Christmas letter, we have not experienced much change, but we have experienced quite a bit of busyness! Craig has just completed year one of his two year MBA program, and I am working at Baylor University as an Academic Advisor. Participating in our Life Group Bible study and serving in the high school youth keep us actively involved in our church.

In December of 2005, I was shown a two hour documentary entitled Invisible Children; it is a film exposing the horrors and atrocities that have taken place in war-torn Uganda. According to Invisible Children,

“Tens of thousands have been injured or killed by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in Northern Uganda. Since 1986, the LRA has abducted and brainwashed more than 20,000 boys and girls to fight as child soldiers in his militia.”

This documentary began a work in me that God has been fostering for quite some time. Last spring, when I was teaching high school English, I was able to show the film to my students as part of a writing project. They too gained an interest in Uganda, and several participated in an Invisible Children/ Uganda awareness event with me! I began to pray for more opportunities to become involved in what the Lord is doing in Northern Uganda.

After carrying this country in my heart for a year and a half, God has opened a door for me to minister to the people and children of Uganda!

Craig is not able take time away from work and school, and unfortunately, he will not be able to join me on this mission trip. We committed my desire to join the short term team unto the Lord, and we both feel he has given His approval. Though, without Craig, it will be a challenging journey for me, I believe the Lord wants me to experience a time of complete dependency upon Him for strength, wisdom, and discernment.

On August 3, 2007 I will be leaving with 15 others from our church for 10 days to share Jesus in Uganda.

Peace is slowly returning to the region after over 20 years of unrest. Praise God!

Strategically located in Northern Uganda, Restoration Gateway, our Uganda church plant, will make a 500 acre plot on the Nile River--home. The community will be established with the following key elements:
• Loving homes, education and health care for 300-350 orphaned children
• Biblical training for missionaries and local pastors
• A health care institution to provide ministry to the sick, as well as teaching for physicians, dentists, nurses, and other healthcare workers
• A camp for children and a retreat center for Ugandan pastors
• Agricultural and fishery projects to help sustain the community
• An on-site sanctuary for worship and teaching scripture
• A school for job training and professional skill development
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”
James 1:27

We will be working with our newly-formed long-term team to build homes for orphans, hospital, and training center for pastors. This is an incredible undertaking that has gained the approval and blessing of the president of Uganda.
We’ll be living on the land for eight or nine days (either in tents or mud huts) as we build Restoration Gateway and share the love of Jesus in the surrounding villages. Last summer the team saw over 100 people commit their lives to following Jesus. Many are now involved in a newly formed church.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew. 24:14

Friday, July 13, 2007

Today is my birthday!

I’m not sure what Craig has planned, but I think he has something up his sleeve! I’ll have to post a post birthday blog!

Normally, I don’t do those silly surveys that one gets through email, but in honor of this day being all about me, I think I will!

How much have you changed in 6 years?

Six years ago.....

1.) How old were you?: just turned 22

2.) Where did you go to school? Texas A&M University

3) Where did you work? I was a tutor for A&M’s English dept., nanny in the summer

4.) Where did you live?: College Station

5.) Where did you hang out?: On campus; at Craig’s; with my Young Life Team; Sweet Eugene’s (where I met Craig); Breakaway, Hospitality room, here and there!

6.) Did you wear glasses? Only in the big lecture halls when I sat in the back!

7.)Who were your good friends? Stephanie, Kate, Tim S., Tim L., Craig, really all of his AMC friends, I guess; Amber and Cristi were sweet roommates.

8.) How many tattoos did you have?: 1

9.) How many piercing did you have?: 2

10.) What car did you drive?: 2000 Toyota Corolla

11.) Had you been to a real party? Yes, but as a YL leader, I stayed away from them!

12.) Had You had your heart broken?: YES! I think I might have broken one too.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Taken

-------------3 years ago----------

1.) How old were you?: 25

2.) Where did you go to school?: Cambridge College for a Master’s

3.) Where did you work?: Lexington Christian Academy in the Boston, MA area.

4.) Where did you live?: Boston

5.) Where did you hang out?: The gym, church, with our church friends, all around Boston—it was an amazingly fun city!

6.) Did you wear glasses?: nope.

7.) Who were your good friend(s)?: Allison, Lauren, Tracy, Sarah—love them!

9.) How many tattoos did you have?:1

10.) How many piercing did you have?: 2

11) What car did you drive?: 2000 4 Runner 4x4

12) Had your heart broken?: Not by any person, but Boston was a spiritually breaking and healing process in general—thank you, Jesus!

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Married


1.) How old are you?: 28 Today!

2.) Where do you work?: Baylor University

3.) Where do you live?: Waco, Texas

4.) Do you wear glasses?: nope, but should!

5.) Who are your close friends?: Craig is my best friend! Same friends listed 3 yrs ago, and my new ACC friends.

6.) Do you talk to your old friends?: yes, but not the college friends as often as the others.

7.) How many piercing do you have?: 2

8.) How many tattoos?:1

9.) What kind of car do you have?: same ole 4 Runner, but it’s all paid off!

10.) Has your heart been broken? Nope.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Married

I'd love to hear the responses of others!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My First Blog

It’s slightly ironic and a bit of an oxymoron, I’ll admit. I'm a self professed writer, and I hate writing! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good analytical discussion—oral or written—that examines a literary work or exposes and/or proposes a need for social justice. I even enjoy religious and political discussions, though I am highly inadequate at a dissertation over either! However, writing nonfiction for the sake of writing really strikes a nerve in me. I can neatly place all other writings into a little box: Narrative- for all my fictional short stories that I hope to someday publish; Persuasive- for aiding Invisible Children in Uganda; Expository- for all those long work related emails and proposals. But I humbly inquire, what is blogging? Word Publisher just underlined it in red; Bill Gates does not even consider blogging a word!

Sigh, deep breath… I am about to embark slowly, hesitantly upon this new(er) underground community that writes nonfiction blogs for the sake of writing nonfiction blogs. It’s a phenomenon I do not yet understand, but I am willing to learn!

Is there a welcoming committee?!