Friday, July 13, 2007

Today is my birthday!

I’m not sure what Craig has planned, but I think he has something up his sleeve! I’ll have to post a post birthday blog!

Normally, I don’t do those silly surveys that one gets through email, but in honor of this day being all about me, I think I will!

How much have you changed in 6 years?

Six years ago.....

1.) How old were you?: just turned 22

2.) Where did you go to school? Texas A&M University

3) Where did you work? I was a tutor for A&M’s English dept., nanny in the summer

4.) Where did you live?: College Station

5.) Where did you hang out?: On campus; at Craig’s; with my Young Life Team; Sweet Eugene’s (where I met Craig); Breakaway, Hospitality room, here and there!

6.) Did you wear glasses? Only in the big lecture halls when I sat in the back!

7.)Who were your good friends? Stephanie, Kate, Tim S., Tim L., Craig, really all of his AMC friends, I guess; Amber and Cristi were sweet roommates.

8.) How many tattoos did you have?: 1

9.) How many piercing did you have?: 2

10.) What car did you drive?: 2000 Toyota Corolla

11.) Had you been to a real party? Yes, but as a YL leader, I stayed away from them!

12.) Had You had your heart broken?: YES! I think I might have broken one too.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Taken

-------------3 years ago----------

1.) How old were you?: 25

2.) Where did you go to school?: Cambridge College for a Master’s

3.) Where did you work?: Lexington Christian Academy in the Boston, MA area.

4.) Where did you live?: Boston

5.) Where did you hang out?: The gym, church, with our church friends, all around Boston—it was an amazingly fun city!

6.) Did you wear glasses?: nope.

7.) Who were your good friend(s)?: Allison, Lauren, Tracy, Sarah—love them!

9.) How many tattoos did you have?:1

10.) How many piercing did you have?: 2

11) What car did you drive?: 2000 4 Runner 4x4

12) Had your heart broken?: Not by any person, but Boston was a spiritually breaking and healing process in general—thank you, Jesus!

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Married


1.) How old are you?: 28 Today!

2.) Where do you work?: Baylor University

3.) Where do you live?: Waco, Texas

4.) Do you wear glasses?: nope, but should!

5.) Who are your close friends?: Craig is my best friend! Same friends listed 3 yrs ago, and my new ACC friends.

6.) Do you talk to your old friends?: yes, but not the college friends as often as the others.

7.) How many piercing do you have?: 2

8.) How many tattoos?:1

9.) What kind of car do you have?: same ole 4 Runner, but it’s all paid off!

10.) Has your heart been broken? Nope.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Married

I'd love to hear the responses of others!