Wednesday, August 22, 2007

You Make Everything Glorious!

About 9 hours after I arrived home to Waco, TX from my trip to Uganda, Africa, reality of Uganda's depravity hit me. It came upon me rather suddenly. Jet-lagged, discombobulated, and in a stupor, I dragged myself through Target to pick up a few much needed toiletry items. (After all, I had not shaved in 10 days!)With every row I pushed my little cart down, I could feel my heart growing a little more resentful and indignant by my country's quenchless thirst for materialism. I'm just as much to blame for perpetuated consumerism as anyone else; I admit it. That Monday, however, I was broken by it. Call me a Socialist, but I just hate the world's financial distribution breakdown.

About the moment tears started to well up in my eyes, my Target cart turned the corner and ran right into David Crowder's. Every Wacoan has a David Crowder story, but that's really not the point of mine. By some twist of the Lord's funny humor, I ran into him and was reminded of his new song, "You Make Everything Glorious." That's when it occurred to me; it's not really about this stuff on the shelf or the world's distribution at all. This stuff, abundant amounts or meager portions, is not the basis of a person or a country's worth. It certainly isn't what the Lord uses to define "blessings." To God, everything He makes is GLORIOUS! Who am I to detract from God's glory with my finite ideas of what equality means?