Thursday, August 30, 2012

The 15.

Californians put an article in front of all their freeways: The 15; The 5; The 101… I’ve spent the last two weeks driving up and down The 15 to and from faculty orientation.  Each week’s drive sums about 15 hours. Given all of this, it’s only fitting that I title this post The 15 and update the Crenshaw household with a top 15 list.

15. The number of sermons I’ve listened to during my 30 hours of driving. Someone give me an M.Div!

14. The number of hours my mom and Craig have spent watching the Republican National Convention while I sat in HR health insurance meetings.

13. I counted 13 gopher holes in our front and back yard. I despise gophers. California prohibits killing them. You can manage them, but you can’t kill them. What if I manage to kill them?

12. Speaking of wildlife around these parts. I’m up to 12 or 13 on the number of coyotes I’ve seen roaming my neighborhood. Again, California prohibits harming these nasty, mangy, blood thirsty, protected animals.

11. This one is just a guess, but I would imagine I’ve signed up for 11 different technology websites, compliments of all of my in-service training.

10. My sweet baby boy knows at least 10 words: Bottle (that one’s his favorite); Nurse (it was his favorite word until I started orientation—sad.); Gatsby; Bath; More; Mommy; Daddy; School; Guitar; Car.

9. Feel sorry for me. I still have nine pounds of baby weight left to lose.  A few dinners ago, over Domino’s cheese pizza, Craig asked me what my plan was for losing the rest of the weight. I was a little indignant, but he had a right to ask; I talk about it often. I facetiously asked if he thought 15 hours in the car each week might help tone. Maybe I can drive up and down The 15 with one of those thigh master bars.

8. Christopher turned eight months yesterday! He’s growing so fast. I keep trying to freeze time and soak in all his baby-ness. But, alas, he keeps growing.

7. We’ve had seven days hit above 85 degrees this summer. I know that may not sound too terribly hot, but we don’t have AC, people! Sad face.

6. My sweet mommy is here for six days. She’s been watching Christopher so he doesn’t have to go to pre-school.

5. I should probably be more embarrassed than I am by this: I have eaten five cans of Gerber cheesy puffs in the last two weeks. They’re Christopher’s, of course, but I eat them all. the. time.

4. In four days, I start my Assistant Professor position at CBU. I’ll be teaching four English courses.

3. Christopher will attend three full days of childcare while I’m on campus teaching and working. It’s difficult to leave him. I suffer from an unbelievable amount of mommy guilt. But, ultimately, I think he’ll be just fine. He loves school. I love school. And when I’m with him, I am with him. I do all of my professor/PhD work at night and during his naps. 
Dear Lord, please let Christopher sleep from 7pm to 7am until he’s old enough to entertain himself without being a harm to himself. What age it that? 19? 20? 35?

2. I’ve conducted two interviews for my dissertation. Three more to go. And then about 15,000 more hours of writing. 

1. Condoleezza Rice. I’m always inspired by this woman’s poise, precision, and persuasive speeches. Rice’s was the only speech I was able to catch at the RNC, but my mom and Craig reenacted Clint Eastwood’s for me.