Monday, August 13, 2012

Confession: People who...

A few nights ago, when the little one finally went to sleep, Craig and I sat down to a late dinner and a round of “People Who…” He made the game up on the fly, and he didn’t really preface the game with any stipulations. He said simply that he wanted me to think about things that annoy me, like when people do this or that or say such and such.

So I thought for a few seconds. And then I said,

“I can’t stand people who advocate a pro-choice stance and cloak their advocacy in the name of women’s rights. They are some of the same people who have never visited an orphanage or given substantially to help orphans flourish.

I can’t stand people who fight for gay marriage but do nothing to fight for the freedoms of those enslaved in sex-trafficking.

I can’t stand people who circulate combative Facebook postings and then congratulate themselves on their contribution to humanity. Circulate, fine. And then DO something. 

Man, I really can’t stand people who are so hell-bent on championing philosophical causes that they miss the practical; they miss what really matters. I mean, faith without works is dead.”

Craig stared at me blankly for a moment before responding,

“I was going to say, ‘I can’t stand people who leave their shopping carts near cars instead of returning them to the designated spot.’”

Well, there's that, too. We all have our pet peeves, I suppose!

#fireballmuch? #guiltyofafew?