Monday, January 21, 2013

Christopher Update

Not long ago, I resuscitated this blog (after it spent 4 years on life support) so my Texas family and friends could keep up with Christopher. But it turns out, Instagram, Facebook, and FaceTime keep loved ones pretty well abreast with the little guy's development. What pictures don't communicate, however, are all the ways Christopher is learning to communicate; so, I thought it prudent to document the little man's growing vocabulary. Here's a list of the words Christopher attempts and ways he's using them:

"tank ew" Thank you. He uses this any time you hand him something; he hands you something; he takes something from you. It's pretty cute.

"GaGa!" Gatsby. Or Lady Gaga?

"Dada." Daddy. It's used interchangeably with Craig and me.

"Ah mama." Momma. He says it rarely and only when he really wants something, like out of his crib.

"Eee I Eee I Ooo!" The chorus to Old McDonald. He sings and claps to it, and it's pretty darn precious.

"Banannna!!!" He yells this word whenever he sees the fruit.

"Baba" Bubba? We think. We call him Bubba, Bubba Tophs, Bubbers. Maybe he thinks it's his name?

"Baff." Bath. Man, does this kids love his bath. We bathe him every night, and we have our little routine. I shudder to think the meltdown that might occur if we skipped it.

There may be a few other words, but this is the gist of them. It's amazing to me how much the little guy understands. Christopher responds to complex requests like, "Bring me your shoes" and "give mommy kisses." But, of course, he can't say these things yet.

At this stage in his life, the thing I love most about Christopher is his little personality. He has all of Craig's charm and all of my stubbornness. This little guy really enjoys making others laugh, and there is nothing he likes more than for you to make him laugh. Christopher has the deepest, most contagious belly laugh. He wants to be chased, tickled, found, and so on. I also love my little man's stubborn will. He will stand his ground and shake his head "No!" to healthy foods, diaper changes, and the car seat. He'll look me straight in the eyes as if to say, "I'm serious, Mom." But then he lets out a deep laugh and all is forgotten. I'm fairly obsessed with his little persona. :)