Wednesday, December 19, 2007

School is out for Baylor, and the students have all gone home for break. For a lack of things to do, I find myself meandering through the blog world. In fact, I rove so often and aimlessly that as one of my New Year’s resolutions I am limiting myself to viewing blogs from only my blog list. Until then, I stumbled across this questionnaire on Lauren B’s website (I’ll have to add you Lauren so I can keep up with your new baby and not break resolutions!)

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Gift bags, definitely! Not only are they way easier to give, if you receive one, you can always reuse it!

2. Real tree or Artificial?
Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. I have strong opinions on this one; can you tell?! Our first year of marriage, we bought a real one, and the dang thing shed everywhere!

3. When do you put up the tree?
ASAP! I’m not opposed to putting it up ON Thanksgiving!

4. When do you take the tree down?
I prolong this nuisance as long as modestly possible. (So, like, Valentine’s ish?!)

5. Do you like egg nog?
Nope, but my better half loves the stuff!

6. Favorite gift received as a child?
During my sixth Christmas, my parents bought us a puppy. We already had a dog, a collie named Ringo, who was part of our family long before I was, but he was certainly more my mother’s dog. He really didn’t like children. Therefore, my parents got my sister and me our “own” dog. I named him Buster, a name I recycled years later on another dog.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Actually, I just received one at a Christmas party gift swap this year, and I indubitably won the best gift there! All who attended, approximately 12 of us, were asked to bring a wrapped ornament to be swapped. The host wrapped a brand new Willow Tree nativity set: Mary, Joseph, Jesus, King, Shepherd boy, animals. Of course, rules being what they are, I stole it for the second time and secured my rights to it!

8. Hardest person to buy for?
Craig hands down! My “love language” is gifts. Year round, I like to get and give them. A great deal of thought goes into the gifts I give, and the more I love the person, the more thought given. For that reason, to some extent, my feelings are hurt if Craig is not in love with the gift I’ve purchased for him. (Sorry, can I just say that the question should read—The hardest person for whom to buy? sorry. and ditto to 9. This question was most likely not written by the person from whom I borrowed this survey.)

9. Easiest person to buy for?
Now I have to do some back peddling since I just stipulated that the more I love a person the harder it is to buy for them…
So, what I mean is, I know Craig extremely well, and I know his likes and dislikes more than I sometimes wish I do. I do not, however, know the ins and outs of say my brother in-law. So, I just buy him some decent DVD.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail. Geesh.

11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
One year Craig bought me this amazing Canon Rebel camera for Christmas. I’m sure it was a pricey purchase. The problem is, I do not enjoy taking pictures, but, and here’s the clincher—HE does! A few years later I gave that camera as a goodbye gift to a friend serving as a missionary in Berlin.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
Christmas Story. “In the heat of battle my father wove a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan.”

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Oh, surely.

14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Cookies, candy, candy canes, all of it.

15. Clear lights or colored on the tree?

16. Favorite Christmas song?
O Holy Night. I especially love Tracy Chapman’s version. (kinda random, I know.) Craig sings it pretty well too.

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Every other year we travel with my family. On the off year, we go to Craig’s parents. Never in our 5 Christmases have we been at our own house.

18. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Nope. Not gonna try!

19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
We weren’t much for tradition growing up, but I seem to recall a pattern of one present on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Morning.

20. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Annoying is a bit harsh; however, trying to make it to all of the Christmas parties and events can be daunting!

21. Favorite ornament theme or color?
I like simplicity. Clear lights. Greenery placed intermittently. Pops of red.

22. Favorite food for Christmas dinner?
See questions number 14.

23. What do you want for Christmas this year?
This is a tough one. Craig bought me a GPS Tracking System (for some reason he gave it to me 8 days ago), and I know better than to ask for anything else from him. When my mom asks, I usually request Starbucks gift cards. You would not believe how quickly I can spend whatever amount the card carries. It’s a little embarrassing!

24. If you could spend Christmas anywhere, where would you choose to spend the holiday?

Germany. My impressionable childhood years were spent living in Germany, and I remember taking great delight in their time-old traditions. The Germans have opulent Christmas trees and decorations, beautiful snow-covered landscapes, yummy, delicate treats, and Kris Kringle leaves candy (or switches if you’re bad) in your shoes!

25. With whom do you most enjoy spending Christmas?

Craig. He’s such a traditionalist, which is a stark contrast to my nontraditional fashion, and I love him for it. I am particularly fond of his sentimentality; it makes the holidays that much more romantic!

Out of pure curiosity, I tag Katy, Lauren S., Tracy, and Sarah!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Boston Revisited

Such a wonderful trip.

It's amazing how quickly the snow fell...

No more than one hour later...

My snow man! "Walking in a wintry wonderland."

Shopping in a blizzard! "I ain't saying she's a gold digger..."

Such a pretty sight. "Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow."

The Crenshaws and the Bianchis have matching pj's!
"Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me
for sure
that's what friends are for"

On their way to snowboard. "What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight"

Back to work; back to reality. No more Boston; no more sing-song moments in the snow. Guess it's about time to start packing for our Christmas trip to Cozumel! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Your Vote Counts!

Hello friends, family, and fellow bloggers! I am in a bit of a quandary, and I solicit your counsel. Craig and I share a difference in opinion regarding which picture should be used for this year’s Christmas card. To avert biased voting, I’ll refrain from disclosing our picture preferences; however, let it suffice to say, I did not mean to dye my hair such a gothic shade of dark brown! (See picture B.)

Ideally, we’d like to mail these out no later than Wednesday. Open voting begins now…

Thanks, friends!

Picture A

Picture B

Monday, December 3, 2007

The most wonderful time of the year!

I’m sure I’m not alone when I claim Christmas as my favorite holiday. There is something so magical about Christmas! Little white lights twinkle with the promise that every moment will be a fairy tale moment. Apple Cider and Pumpkin Spice aromas fragrance both the local coffee shop and your neighbor’s home. Suddenly, the busyness of life stands still and submits itself to the activities that the season necessitates. Oh, it is indeed the most wonderful time of the year!

Craig, my loving husband and Christmas hero, hung lights outside our home. Don't they look great?!

I decorated the door and the tree!