Friday, September 14, 2007

Tagged by Adrianna...

The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their 8 things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight things about me...

1. I have to workout in the morning or it will not get done. (I’m borrowing this one from Adrianna!)

2. I love, love, love dogs! I hate, hate, hate cats.

4. I eat A LOT! I really think I probably eat more than most of my girlfriends, and sometimes I catch myself eating more than Craig! Thus, the reason for the morning workouts!

5. Although the Myers-Briggs keeps telling me I am an E (ESTJ), I really enjoy my alone time. I love to spend a few nights a week reading a book with a glass of wine or a movie and popcorn with Craig. I wish I had more of that in our busy lives.

6. This year is my fourth year of marriage. This is the first year I have wanted to expand our family of two.

7. Someday, I want to write a book. I always have these fantastic ideas, and then I never capitalize on it. No lie, I thought about Redeeming Love long before Francine Rivers. She just beat me to it! :)

8. Besides writing fictional short stories set in the South, if I could do/be anything it would be a Ballerina Princess. I’m not really sure what that is either. But, when I think about being one, it conjures up images of a sweet little girl in a tutu who is loved and doted upon. What girl doesn’t want to be that?!

Okay, I tag Tracy, Katy, Meredith, Jessica, Wendy, and Lauren (who just had a baby and probably no time for this!)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

And this one thing that I desire...

And so, it has begun—football season. It’s that special time of year when the weather cools, fleeces are donned, and tens of thousand Aggie fans pledge their allegiance to the 12th man god in the temple of Kyle Field. And they say A&M is a cult. The audacity!

Two week ago Craig and I spent the weekend in College Station and attended the Montana State game with some old college friends. (Shout out to A&M’s victory!) It’s always so refreshing for me to spend time in College Station; I have such fond memories of my college years there. Because Craig’s grandfather was a veterinarian and a professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine at A&M, Craig too has fond memories of College Station that date back to his early childhood. For Craig, many birthdays, holidays, and of course Aggie football games, involved trips to Papaw’s house. To reminisce about the days of lore brings such joy to Craig’s heart and therefore mine. I feel as if I am often living his memories vicariously.

Craig’s grandfather passed away in March of this year and is survived by his widow Gloria whom we affectionately call Gigi. Gigi is an amazing woman. She is in her early eighties and is more active than most in their sixties: she plays tennis three times a week, quilts daily, attends sporting events. She is arguably the most active, fun, and relatable 82 year old woman I have ever met. Throughout various parts of Texas, the South, and the Northwest, Gloria has children and grandchildren who love her, and she travels to see them regularly. Though health, family, and time appear to be on her side, there is still one thing that she desires. Gloria is lonely. She is without her lifelong companion. She desires to be known, really known by someone with whom she can experience the remainder of her life.

I can’t imagine; I don’t want to try. The thought of living a day without Craig pains my heart. Lord, thank you that you have created within us desires that are more profound, more life-giving than College Station memories. You have created us with the desire to walk in relationships, to live in community, to love and to be loved. Even more overwhelming is the desire you’ve placed within us to yearn for more of you, Jesus. Of all the ties that bind, nothing binds us closer to each other than our bond in you.

Gig ‘em and God Bless!