Friday, April 25, 2008

You know you’re too old to pull an all-nighter when…

At exactly 9:03 p.m. CST on Thursday evening, I was approximately 200 pages into my 300 page book and 0 pages into writing a 6 page paper in which I was expected to originate constructive, enlightening thoughts about the book. Both were due in less than 12 hours. I had at least accomplished one thing: I had successfully reverted back to undergrad. What is one to do when he or she comes face to face with imminent defeat? An all-nighter, my friend.

I am currently sustaining—barely— on 31 waking hours, but I am officially too old to be doing so. Contrary to what Common Grounds may allege, sleep is not overrated, and here’s how I know…

First, upon getting dressed for a day that had no definitive ending or beginning, I dressed myself in two pairs of underpants. I do not normally wear two pairs of underpants. Somehow I had forgotten that I already had on one pair, a discovery not realized until I was in the bathroom stall at work.

Then, I could not figure out why the stupid Coke machine would not take my dollar. No matter how hard I shoved, the dollar would not slide into the exasperating slot; it would not even try to grab for it. At just the moment I was about to relent, a sweet, soft-spoken freshman who had patiently been awaiting her turn said, “I think the problem is that the slot you’re using is for a student ID card. Like, if you have Bearbucks that deduct from your card.” To quote Ecclesiastes, “there is a time to weep and a time to laugh.” Well, I nearly wept.

And lastly, not five minutes ago, I received an email from my History professor, for whom I was reading and writing all night, and she informed me that the paper I had submitted via email at 8:07 a.m. was actually my annual household budget. Evidently, instead of attaching my 6 page doctoral History paper, I attached the Crenshaw annual household income, budget, and savings spreadsheet. I don’t know how, so don’t ask. Thankfully, I had saved my actual paper to one of those stick things that Craig gave me and brought it to work. I immediately emailed the correct attachment.

Ugh… how much longer until five o’clock?!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tag team back again. Check it, wreck it, and let’s begin…

Tagged by my grandma.

So, I probably get a chain email/tag from my grandmother at least once a week, and I never actually answer or forward them on to others. In fact, I recently brought this to her attention: “Mema, no one sends out tag emails anymore,” I asserted. Without missing a step she replied, “All my friends still do.” Okay, she’s got me there.

Here is her latest email/tag:

“List your top favorite songs from each genre/category with a short explanation. Choose songs that best reflect you, your personality, and your life.” (How can I choose just one?)

1. Rock and Roll- “American Pie.” Don McLean. This song is such an epic in its own right. It just represents middle America so well.

2. Pop- “Daughters.” John Mayer. John, I am so sorry; I know that you are not a pop artist, but where else on this list could I possibly place you? So, sadly, I think he had me in mind when he wrote this song. How could a young (presumably self-consumed) male possibly have this much insight into the fragility of the female heart?

3. Country- "Strawberry Wine" - Deana Carter. It’s a sweet love song, and when I hear it, I suddenly become reminiscent of young, naïve summer loves.

4. Alternative- “How to Save a Life.” The Fray. I read a Rolling Stone review of this album a year ago. The band is pretty interesting, and this song is a true story. The song also makes me want to write a book.

5. Christian- “Tears of the Saints.” Leeland. This song reflects my heart for social justice. “Blessed be Your Name” is my favorite worship song.

6. Rap/ Hip Hop- Anything Alicia Keys. I have no substantial reason for this choice. “California Love.” 2Pac. R.I.P

7. Classic- Classic or classical? – “In My Life.”The Beatles. (Craig would be so proud of my selection.)

8. Christmas- “O Holy Night.” Tracy Chapman. Her voice is so strong, so commanding. For me, this song prompts my heart to the holiness of Christmas.

9. Love- “Wonderful Tonight.” Eric Clapton. Okay, it’s not my favorite, but since Craig did propose with it, we did dance to it at our wedding, and Charis did say it is the most embarrassing song on her Ipod, I have to put it down.

10. Party- umm… Love Shack? Kidding! Ugh! Anything Justin Timberlake. JT and I have been dance-off friends since college.

11. Currently on air- “Love Song.” Sara Bareilles. I heard it this morning, and I think it’s catchy.

12. Your pick- My pick, huh? How about best Broadway Musical Song? “Seasons of Love.” Rent.

I’m tagging people who need an update: Sarah B., Carson, Lauren S., Julie M.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Time Efficiency Expert

I find myself with a few free minutes on my hands, and I thought what better use of my time than to blog about how great Jason Castro is? I mean, really, can you think of a better use of 4.5 minutes?! (Yes, I am just that ridiculous and that ridiculously bored.)

1. I have been pretty impressed with this young man for several reasons. First and foremost, he seems to genuinely have a relationship with the Lord, and he’s fairly open about it too. That he is willing to use his American Idol platform as an opportunity to demonstrate what it looks like for a regular guy to run after his dreams while representing Christ well is such a testament to his maturity.

2. Additionally, and vying for the spot as the most significant reason I like Castro, he’s an Aggie. True, he may not go back after Idol, but I’m sure A&M would be proud to make him an honorary graduate.

3. He’s in AMC (Aggie Men’s Club) A (pseudo) Christian fraternity. Craig was in this organization for 4 years, and I’ve been most impressed by the young men who have earned membership; most are honest, good ole boys who love the Lord.

4. He is so humble. Nearly every time I watch him perform this verse comes to mind, “if you are pure and upright, even now he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place. Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be” (Job 8: 6-7).

5. Speaking of humility, the boy never mentions the fact that he had no voice training prior to American Idol. In fact, wasn’t he a drummer for a number of years? Hasn’t he performed like only five times before the show, and most of those performances amateur?

Anyway, last night’s performance and a few free minutes were the catalyst for this blog. I’ve never been an American Idol voter, but I think I’ve just been converted! Enjoy.