Thursday, January 24, 2008

Divine Romance

Ever since my college years at A&M, I have been so intrigued with the concept of the Lord pursuing us romantically. (Song of Songs 4:7-9) I don’t know about you, but perhaps I simply missed this facet of God’s character when I was growing up in the church, and I do not recall it being introduced to me until about the time I became engaged to Craig.

Upon our engagement, or soon before, we both read Tommy Nelson’s Song of Solomon, which beautifully depicts the church as the bride of Christ. As believers—from all ages, from all countries, for all time—we are presented to Christ as His bride; what an extraordinary, incomparable relationship He allows us to experience! His love is a redeeming love, a love that brings salvation, a love that bestows grace, a love that covers all sins: "...even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him..." (Eph 1:4).

Last night at the Phil Wickham concert, I was again reminded of Christ’s desire to romance and pursue me into a deeper relationship with Him. Phil’s song, Divine Romance, is the prayer of my heart this morning—thank you, Lord!

"The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty’s all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I’m completely satisfied

For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love

A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You
Of deep deep love, yeah it’s filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my guilty life
In Your presence God I’m completely satisfied"

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

30 Reasons why I love Craig!

Today is my husband’s 30th Birthday. He is such a nut about celebrating his birthday; he absolutely loves having a birthday party. In fact, I am throwing him two this week! (I’d also like to mention that he has requested a huge MBA graduation party in May as well!) BUT, I love my husband, and I am happy to celebrate him. So in addition to his numerous parties, I thought I’d pay homage to the most important man in my life with the top 30 reasons why I love him.

30. He is the happiest person I know. He just wakes up in a good mood—every single day!
29. Craig loves to sing, and I love to listen. I especially love his “O Holy Night” and “Rushing Wind.”
28. His patience is ceaseless.
27. Impressively, he manages to juggle 50 hours of work, 20 hours of school, 15 hours of church community, and a wife all in one week.
26. I am humbled by his heart for missions.
25. He has taught me to be more content in the daily aspects of life.
24. Craig is the only person I know who has never had an enemy, not even in elementary school.
23. When Craig was in elementary school, he would throw “welcome home from a day at school” parties for his older sister. I mean, how sweet is that?
22. He seeks after the Lord with wild abandon.
21. The fear of man is something with which he struggles very little. (at least in comparison to most people I know.)
20. This number is the tender age at which I met Craig. Fell in love almost immediately.
19. He’ll one day be an amazing father. Call me prophetic, but I think our kids will want to hang out with him more than me!
18. Aggie until the day he dies, he is relentless in his efforts to recruit A&M fans.
17. For our engagement, among other things, he tried to recreate the coffee shop in which met.
16. Although he can’t remember the words without looking them up, he wrote me my very own song! (He said it was inspired from watching Labamba one day—how funny is that?)
15. Craig challenges me to love others the way Jesus loves.
14. His smile melts my heart every time I look at it.
13. If it’s within his capacity, Craig will do it for me.
12. I never have to ask Craig to make the bed; he does it every morning.
11. He does all the laundry because I loathe it.
10. He cooks way better than I do.
9. Numbers 13, 12, 11, and 10 may imply that I contribute very little to this marriage, and yet he still loves me!
8. Craig supports me in my endeavor to obtain another ambiguous Master’s degree.
7. He is my best friend.
6. He is romantic, sentimental, loving, funny, and the best date I’ve ever had.
5. Craig loves to travel, and I get to reap the benefits of his adventurous personality!
4. Snowboarding, running, weight lifting, and dog walking are just a few of the activities that Craig has mastered in the five years that we’ve been married.
3. He plays with my hair. True, I sometimes have to ask for it, but he does it!
2. Craig has a deep conviction about the need for community and accountability, and from the get-go, it has made all the difference in our marriage.
1. The number one reason I love Craig is because he desires to lay down his life and is willing to count the costs for the sake of the kingdom.

Happy Birthday, Craig!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008